First off, we ended up raising $2,000 dollars from Brady's Walk -- how exciting!! I am just about done writing the article to put with the picture to send to the WSA. I will be sure to post a copy of that article when it comes out in the newsletter. I was so amazed at all the people who donated and/or walked... people who didn't know Brady but just wanted to help. I am excited to make next year's event even more fun.

And last but certainly not least, Mr. Brady. Brady has been doing AMAZINGLY well - his gross motor skills have improved greatly, his cognitive skills have improved, his facial features have gone CRAZY - he smiles now purposely, a twinkled-eye one and a scrunched up face one that makes you just sigh and smile back. Although he doesn't smile on command, I no longer have the fear that he is uncommunicative. It did take longer than anyone I have read about, but I am going to make sure that I post how long it took in the bios on WSA and WF so some other mother out there doesn't freak out when her child is 9 months old and not smiling. Brady always had other ways to show he was excited - he flapped his arms and wiggled his body - and I see it all coming together now.

We're all very excited over here also because we just learned the WSA conference next year will be in Anaheim, California, a mile from Disneyland. We were planning to go to the WSA conference no matter where it was, so this is just a little bonus to be near something so fun. I hope all the WS buddies will be able to go!