First off, we ended up raising $2,000 dollars from Brady's Walk -- how exciting!! I am just about done writing the article to put with the picture to send to the WSA. I will be sure to post a copy of that article when it comes out in the newsletter. I was so amazed at all the people who donated and/or walked... people who didn't know Brady but just wanted to help. I am excited to make next year's event even more fun.

And last but certainly not least, Mr. Brady. Brady has been doing AMAZINGLY well - his gross motor skills have improved greatly, his cognitive skills have improved, his facial features have gone CRAZY - he smiles now purposely, a twinkled-eye one and a scrunched up face one that makes you just sigh and smile back. Although he doesn't smile on command, I no longer have the fear that he is uncommunicative. It did take longer than anyone I have read about, but I am going to make sure that I post how long it took in the bios on WSA and WF so some other mother out there doesn't freak out when her child is 9 months old and not smiling. Brady always had other ways to show he was excited - he flapped his arms and wiggled his body - and I see it all coming together now.

Another new thing is a class he is taking - a five-week Signs class. He and his friend James (who gets an A++ in the class - at 11 months old he probably could talk to Helen Keller) are taking a class run by the same instructor who taught them yoga. It's a good class, plus we got all the materials with it, a DVD, CD and some books. On the first day the other mothers were gushing how well Brady was doing the sign for milk (picture milking a cow with your right hand), when my friend Angela and I just knowingly smiled at each other - Brady has always constantly flexxed his little fingers in and out since Day 1. I don't think milk has anything to do with it! At the last class, they were excited he was doing the sign for stars (wiggling the fingers). ;) Maybe Brady has been talking to us since birth and we haven't figured out what he's been saying!
Some of the basics are good for them to know to help communicate - all Brady's therapists thought it was a good idea for him to take the class. Here's a site to aid anyone - http://aslpro.com/cgi-bin/aslpro/aslpro.cgi. Some of the ones they start out with are please, more, milk, play, eat and dog or cat if you have one.
We're all very excited over here also because we just learned the WSA conference next year will be in Anaheim, California, a mile from Disneyland. We were planning to go to the WSA conference no matter where it was, so this is just a little bonus to be near something so fun. I hope all the WS buddies will be able to go!
We're all very excited over here also because we just learned the WSA conference next year will be in Anaheim, California, a mile from Disneyland. We were planning to go to the WSA conference no matter where it was, so this is just a little bonus to be near something so fun. I hope all the WS buddies will be able to go!
Okay... that's probably it on the update. I promise I will not go this long again! Brady also got his first haircut, which I will post the pictures next time. To my surprise he looks so much older. I know that's natural, but since he is still so baby-like I didn't think he would. Oh... one more pic of the famous lip - he is very good at giving it. I think he tries to smile when he sometimes does this. It makes me smile, anyway! :)

Glad to hear things are going well for you all.
I know what you mean about baseball. I have two boys who play(thankfully every other year they can be on the same team) plus we have one in gymnastics. It is alot of fun but does test your nerves. Chris actually gets nervous for the boys when they play.
Yay! My friend's back!
I didn't want to pressure you into posting, as we all do it at our own speed, but I was hoping hoping hoping I would click on Brady and see something!
What an amazing smile! He looks so different. I bet you are on cloud 9.
The WSA is sooo lucky! I am amazed at what you have accomplished. You have a lot to be proud of.
Big hugs and welcome back.
So glad you posted!!!!! Every spring I thank god for girls I do not know what I would do if I had to put baseball in the mix... I love the new pics especilly the last one soooooo cute!!!!!
Love YOu
Yaaah!! I was so excited to see the Brady update! I'm thrilled to see he is doing so well. I think the signing is great. How funny, Kerry, but Emerson does the constant clenching and un-clenching of her fists and has done it since infancy (like she is signing "milk"). She will also constantly rotate her wrists and ankles. I think now that she is moving more she does it less, but what in the heck is that??!! I've asked her therapists and doctors and the best explanation I've gotten is that it helps her know where she is in space. If you've gotten a better explanation let me know.
Oh yeah, I absolutely love the pout face. What a cutie-pie!
Welcome back! I knew you were out there somewhere!
Ahhh.... that last photo. We have many of that lip from our own wonder child!
OMG, those expressions are wonderful!! Too bad it took him forever to bring em out for all to see!! Good job lately, what a great WS mommy y ou are!
Kerry! HI HI HI...I love all the new pictures. He is so precious. I remember after Daven's first hair cut, I couldn't believe what a drastic change it made. He was a grown up little boy over night. HA!
Sounds like Brady is doing amazing! That is awesome. What a great smile he has!
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