Almost-three-year-old Clare came down with her family. Clare and Brady get together often, for which I am very thankful. Clare's family is pretty fabulous, and we are quite comfortable with them. We met Sue and her daughter Lindsey for the first time, who lives in a neighboring town. Lindsey will be four this summer, and a real cutie patootie. Our little Music Therapy buddy Coleman, 15-months-old,
was here as well, bustling about wondering what everyone was doing here, smiling all around. And we had just met friendly little Luke, 18-months-old, who lives in the same town as us. Luke and Brady share their OT. In fact, it was seeing a picture of Clare that brought the idea up to the OT that Luke might have WS in the first place.

Everyone came at pretty much the same time; unpacked the diaper bags and started chatting right away. I felt like there was an instant conncection with everyone; I don't know if it was the common WS denominator or the fact that we are all fabulous people LOL. Tom and Michael were originally supposed to take off to work on Michael's Pinewood Derby Car, but Michael headed off to play with friends and Tom was a helpful pair of hands... in fact I think he held more of the kids than anything! He is a child magnet. 

After lunch, we all sat in the living room and sang along with Danielle and her guitar. (There are seven days, seven days, seven days in a week...) Then she sang for us, a beautiful, husky voice that always amazes. She pulled out the shakers and drums for the kids to make music with. They were all enthralled with her and the guitar; Brady is mesmerized when ever she is here. You can physically see a difference in him as he drinks in
the music, the beat. Was I looking for this child to have some musical appreciation since he was WS? I don't know, but it is vivid.

Writing this a few days later something has occurred to me: throughout the day, there was not a cry in the house - they were all quite busy playing with toys, eating or enjoying the music class. I can't say with all the playgroups Michael has been in over the years when he was young that there wasn't SOMEONE crying. Not this troop! They were interested in what was going on, they

On a sidenote ~yes, that IS a picture of me! Oh my! ~ you'll see my rock bracelet on my left arm. Lisa and I have matching rock bracelets from when we visited them in January. As Joey Tribiani would say, "We're bracelet buddies!" LOL
Kerry you look great. Sounds like a wonderful day.
Wow, so many families so close to you. That is great! I love the pictures. thanks for sharing them
What a wonderful day!
You look FABULOUS, girlfriend.
P.S. Did you have bracelets for Brady made last year? Can I get one to wear at the 5K this year?
A true friend of mine thinks about life in Joey Tribiani quotes!! My all-time favorite - "That's a moo point." Love it! The kids look like they had a blast - so darn good-looking!
What a crew I love it!!! I wish we could be there too
It sounds like you all had a great time! It's so neat that there's several of you within a short distance that can get together. And, you, Kerry, look great!!!!
Oh my gosh, what a cute group!! Looks like you all had a wonderful day. Thanks for sharing. I definitely need to look into music therapy for Emerson. It sounds amazing.
Music therapy sounds like a great idea for a get together! I love the pics of the kids. Say "hi" to Coleman and his family for me, we got to meet in KY. Coleman is the cutest!!!
We had such a FABULOUS time. Danielle is incredible! Thanks for posting the photos and inviting us!!
I am so jealous! I feel isolated here in New Mexico from all of my WS families. I wish so desperately to be a part of such an amazing group.
You and Brady both look amazing!
I love the pictures! What a cute group of kids. How awesome is it that you had music therapy at home???
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