Saturday, January 06, 2007

Saturday's all right for Chillin'

It was gorgeous here in New England today - I think it hit 65 degrees. It makes me worry that come April 29th we'll be hit with a huge snowstorm and then it will jump right into the 90 degree weather. Argh! Didn't we have four seasons when we were kids??

I know I haven't posted pictures - I am trying to get a new battery for my camera. I priced one today at the mall and it was $99. Yikes! I will hit Circuit City tomorrow and hope it is a little cheaper.

Today was lovely - a true Saturday. With the gorgeous weather, I opened the windows and a true comforting breeze aired out the house. Brady slept in quite late so Tom, Michael and I enjoyed our pancakes (from scratch! I ran out of the mix.) and lazily got ready for the day. Tom and Michael were going to Motorcross with friends, staying over in a hotel to swim and relax. Fun for them, and a time for Brady and me to chill out!

After speaking to my sister, we met her at Old Navy then had lunch and went to the mall. At lunchtime I sat Brady in the regular seat in the stroller, not his usual carseat on top. Even though his weight doesn't qualify to turn his carseat around, he is getting taller and I wondered how he'd like seeing the world from a different view. He was checking everything out and sat up pretty well, even though he is still not a great sitter. He will sit for awhile then start to complain as it is hard work. At Panera I held him a few times and people around us were smiling at him and watching him. I grinned, because I know they were all amazed with this cute little tyke with the big hair, mouthful of teeth, and alertness - how amazing for a six month old!! Ha - only he's 15 months next week. :) It doesn't bother me anymore, only makes me mischevious and want to plan some great pranks to fool people. If I could get him to speak English and Spanish when he's four and he looks two... maybe we could end up on Discovery channel... hmmm.

At the mall I wheeled him around back in his carseat on top of the stroller since he was getting tired and would probably fall asleep, which he did. After shopping a bit, Kathleen left us to watch our nephew and I trailed on wandering but buying nothing, which was very responsible of me. :) Even though there were MAJOR sales going on... I couldn't even buy the one gift I was looking for for an upcoming birthday because they were sold out everywhere. I did go to Dunkin Donuts and got a drink off one of my gift cards, a yummy Strawberry Banana Smoothie with only 1,000 calories.

Brady and I left the mall, hit Target with still no sign of the aforementioned gift and headed home. After having some bottle he crashed and I watched some HGTV. I am about to go clean my craft room now and put away some of the clutter lingering around upstairs. I'm hoping for some sappy movie on TV, but it looks like I'll watch Girl, Interrupted for the 1,000th time. I still have the window open upstairs; it is refreshing and makes me yearn for springtime.

In other news, Brady has had a lingering cough that could either be from a cold or his Reflux. If he has Reflux, we're not sure. And he seems to be a little constipated. Which could be from (1) Zantac that he just started taking or (2) his cereal which I switched from Oatmeal to Mixed with barely, wheat and rice, the rice part bothering him or (3) not eating enough food because when he has more formula and little food he gets more constipated, I think. Or he may not be constipated, he might just tightening up his muscles and seem agitated because ___ (fill in the blank). I was hoping not to go back to the pediatrician's until his scheduled appointment for his 15 month checkup and Synergis shot on the 22nd, but I might call next week if he still has the cough. He didn't have any symptoms when he had his ear infection and I hope he didn't get another one. This month we are going to the Nutritionist on the 18th and the Opthamologist on the 22nd also. I am dying to to go to the Opthamologist because I am convinced he can't see very well and I'm wondering if they can tell anything about that. She said last time they may or may not patch depending on how he's doing. He would look really cute in glasses. :)

Okay - I am off to clean. And I promise to post more! I am hoping too post some pictures over the next few days. Happy Weekend!


Nancy said...

Sounds like a fabulous Saturday out and about. While you guys are getting the good weather, we have bitter wind, and it is supposedly going to be 4 degrees this coming week! Thankfully, that is the low on Wednesday. The high is going to be a balmy 11.

I hope Brady's cough gets better and the doc appointment goes well.

Amy said...

I remember 15 months, still a hard time because you can never tell if those little things are something or nothing-and they aren't eating, crawling, etc! I do think though in the coming months you are going to start seeing a big change in Brady, so hold on, be is going to suprise you even more! By summer I think you start seeing some big break thoughs, if not earlier.

Lisa said...

I have actually had Tatum in a regular strolller for a while mainly because i have two that want to stroll... I actually had to put Tatum in a forward carseat this weekend for about three miles..she was so funny I think that she loves it...I can not wait to turn her around. I have to laugh driving in Taxes and stuff in louisville I kept thinking we can be like britney spears just country...LOL