Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Quick Update

Just a quick update on the Brady Boy. We went to the pediatrician's office for his Synergist shot and monthly weight check. They were also checking his ears, which were all clear. Remember, last time we were there he had gained a pound in a month. This month I didn't know what to expect because he didn't eat too well for two weeks when he had the ear infection.

Well, what do you know! The Braid-man gained 9 ounces in the past month, which included two weeks of not eating! Not bad! It makes me wonder where he'll be next month. Yeah!


Lisa said...

way to go chubs :) Isn't it funny how they gain weight when you are least expecting it....we get our 2 flu shot and first senergis (sp) next week. A little late eh....

Nancy said...

Way to go, Brady Bunch! Woo hoo!

Nicole said...

Nice job Brady. Can't wait to see more pictures of those chubby cheeks.

What is a synergist shot???? Is this something I should be doing?

Kerry said...

The synergist shot is to ward off RSV - usually newborns and preemies get it. I believe (and correct me anyone) it has to do with the weight of the child. Brady's still a peanut so he gets it - although he didn't last year and I don't know why that was.

Anonymous said...

There are very strict requirements regarding who can get the Syngergis shots. Its very expensive. I know when my boys were born, six years ago, it was about $2400 a dose. My twins were six-weeks premature, both were on oxygen, and yet only one of them qualified. Our doctor had to really do some backflips with the paperwork to get the other one eligible. So, if your doctor hasn't said anything, your child may not fall within the requirements.

Ava's Grandma Kim said...

Yay, Brady! He is such a little cutie!

Happy New Year!

Love, Kim