Michael is eight and LOVES being a big brother... he would have five more siblings if we let him. As it is, he adopts all the other lil' ones... he kept playing peek-a-boo at the Pinewood Derby with our Den Leader's daughter, who is four. He has a compassion and understanding for little kids and will be a great big brother for Brady as Brady gets older. I don't think he understands right now how different Brady will be --well, neither do we -- but I do think he

He is always giving him hugs and kisses and wants to hold him. He tells people Brady always wakes him up, but a bulldozer doesn't wake Michael up so I don't know what he's talking about. :)
The brown-haired cutie patootie with Michael is his two-year-old cousin Jack
(Of course, in the middle of this entry I have to stop and reprimand Michael because he's being obnoxious with his friend and I have to grit my teeth and finish this. Argh!)

(Of course, in the middle of this entry I have to stop and reprimand Michael because he's being obnoxious with his friend and I have to grit my teeth and finish this. Argh!)
As Brady gets older we are noticing he is looking more like Michael... he's even getting his ultra-blonde hair. Michael is the first person Brady smiled at, and Brady is always looking for him when he hears his voice. I think Michael will have a little shadow as Brady grows up.

What a nice tribute to siblings and your sons. They are so handsome and getting SO BIG!
I LOVE these pictures - its amazing how Brady is looking right into the camera. Do you think its from the glasses (and he sees where the camera is now) or just him getting a little older?
What great photos!! Your boys are both adorable, although I'm sure Michael would prefer strong and handsome. ;)
Michael is such a great kid. Thanks for letting us get to know him a little better. How great Brady had such a fun, caring big brother. Lucky boys to have each other.
know I know what you are talking about yu deleted the comment I left and the whole thinkg got it. Love the pics... the one of you especially ;)
You moved me with this sibling-thing :)))))
I need another baby to have Szabi a sibling :DDDDD NOW!!!! :))))
Love, Kati
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