Just checking in on Prevacid for those who use it... can you tell me your child's experience? Brady was doing great at first on it, but I can't tell if it's not working or because of cold symptoms he has right now. We are giving it to him once a day in the morning. Is nighttime better? More than once?
Don't worry.. I will ask the doc too! But I was just wondering other's experiences... thanks!!!!
Here is one of Brady's pics from his photo shoot the other day. We may need to get the glasses fitted again, they ride a little tight. His hair will never cooperate!!
Yes, we are Prevacid takers.
Erik takes one dose with breakfast and one at night. One dose a day did not control his reflux.
Cute photo!
we took prevacid for a whil;e but i noticed no change so i have not given it to her in about 9m... I think she is fine though
very cute pic
Oh my goodness, he looks like such a little man!
Clare takes her Prevacid in the morning. We use the soluble tabs, so I just put one in a syringe, pull up some water, shake, and give it to her. She has been on it for a few weeks now and I think it works wonders. Like I said before, within a day of her starting on Prevacid, Clare's 6-week eating strike was over. She has been eating like a champ (and gaining weight) ever since. She did stop eating for a day or two last week, which had us worried. Then I noticed she finally had a molar break through. Now she's back to eating again.
What a cute picture of Brady. How do you not kiss those cheeks all day.
No prevacid for us. We used to take Zantac for about 5 months, but we went off 2 months ago and had no change in behavior. She was diagnosed with reflux before we had the WS diagnosis. I think we (and Emerson's pediatrician) were just looking for something to explain the fussy eating and non-stop crying. Two of my friends babies are on prevacid and they give it twice a day.
We have no Prevacid, but I hope finally you find the right dosage and it helps!
What a cute pic of Brady!!!! I love this little man with his glasses :)))))))))
Not Prevacid takers here. Sorry.
But I DO LOVE the new pictures. He is just precious!
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