Brady had his weight check yesterday... he was 13 pounds. If he gained 1/3 an ounce a day since his last visit 29 days ago, he should have weighed in at 13 pounds, 5 ounces. Ugh.
But, like I told his doc, who told me "Kerry, you always have a reason" (haha) he gave up his baby food for two weeks when the temps were in the 90s here. He had more of his bottle during that timeframe, but did NOT want the food. I know it is common for babies to not eat in the heat, and the doctor gave Brady a pass, but now she wants to see us in three weeks instead of four. I am thinking of slipping in some protein bars and shakes inbetween his oatmeal and prunes. :)
When Brady's speech therapist came over yesterday, she did massage his gums and inner cheeks with the baby-toothbrush-thingy-on-a-finger. I guess it either is or is like the Nuk brush recommended to me from other moms. Brady was very patient with Vicki and let her do it for quite awhile. Lisa, his PT, also noticed he did a smirky-smiley-thing when she tickled him in his belly and ribs. SO close to that smile! I have hope now.
That smile will come and it will soooo be worth the wait. Once Mr. Meatball starts, he won't stop and he already has many fans waiting to smile right back at him! It will be soon. :)
That is great that he gained some weight...Just pump those calories in. We are on Monthly weight checks now too. I wish I could share my weight I have enough for Tatum and Brady both. LOL
Tatum loves that cream saver yogurt and is loaded with calories... She takes forever eating it though...
Ahh... the weight gain. I know how you feel! It is so frustating because you cannot force a child to eat or poop (and, trust me, I've tried to do both!!). Hang in there - I always say the doctors won't be happy until Clare gains five pounds in one month. And that's never going to happen! But she is still a happy little peanut just the same.
That picture of Brady reminds me of Tatum for some reason maybe it is the eyes or the mini mohalk he is working on. Not sure what it is but I love it ;)
How cute pcture :))))) I love it!!!
I envy you that Brady is so patient when somebody is in his mouth :))) Szabi bellows every time when a therapist gets too close to him :( except the OT, fortunately...
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