I know it's been awhile since I posted, but things have been so crazy with the new school year starting, that finding time has been a real difficulty. Brady isn't on a real "schedule" so even now, at 11:45 at night I type with one ear listening if his pacifier has fallen out of his mouth.
Today was the first of two new activities: storytime at the local library and Itsy Bitsy Yoga. I signed Brady up for storytime for the lapsit program at the library just as I had with Michael, but when he was six months. The age range was up to two years with Brady's program so I figured there would be a broad range of kids there. Michael and I had done storytime and had a blast - we met some of our best friends there, so I was excited to get Brady going.
I have to admit I did have a little trepidation; after all, Brady was not going to be doing what the other 11 month old babies were doing. I was even thinking that among the babies there, I would have the "special needs" child and I wouldn't really click with anyone there. It was even mentioned to me by a friend that maybe I should wait to go with Brady when he's older to "get more out of it".
But then I remembered why I signed up in the first place: even though Brady is kept quite busy with his doctor appointments, he visits with friends but that is it on any "normal" activities. Why shouldn't I do the things with him I did with Michael? This would be good for Brady, and me, because that's how we plan on raising Brady - he can do whatever he wants to. Meaning that we will raise him with the notion that he has no ceiling, no "he can't do this or that because of William's". Any limitations he has in his life will not be because we don't think he can't do it or that he hasn't even tried.
Storytime was fun; nothing thrilling but not complicated either. There were three toddlers in the 17 month range, twin girls and another baby who were all about 8 months, and Brady. When we first introduced ourselves I mentioned he was 11 months old - got the look of "wow, is she sure he's that age?", then proceeded to say he was a peanut. Someone asked, is he crawling, walking, etc now. So, knowing we were now to see these people for two months, said, "No, he has William's Syndrome, a genetic condition where he develops late. He'll do all those things next year, probably." I said another line or two but that is basically all I said. I was happy to see that when the librarian read the book to everyone, Brady watched her and the pages. He watched everyone a lot and didn't cry at all. They all loved his natual mohawk.
Yoga was a bit less intense. Brady was the oldest, but since there wasn't time for chitchat, I didn't have to explain why he wasn't crawling or chatting away or trying to walk. I did have to fill in every line on the medical history paperwork, though. With Michael, it was just "Peanut allergy". With Brady Bunch, checkmark "yes" for cardiac problems. Has he had surgery" "Yes" for inguinal bilateral hernias. Any other conditions? "Yes" for William's Syn

The yoga was wonderful, though. Some of it was the same as his PT work, but he went with the flow, and seemed to be really watching me when I said in my sing-song voice all the little drills. The mirror wall was great to watch him when he turned away from me and I could see how he sat nice and tall. The end had a little darkened-room quiet time where I am sure many a mothers have fallen asleep.
It was a strange day; such ups and downs. In one instance it seemed like William's was the center of my attention, whereas in another, it played no part at all. I'm sure most of my days will be like that.
On a side note, Lisa, his PT, came armed with a better sitting position in his high chair last Thursday. Apparently she's been reading my blog and not too happy with the Braidster slouching over in his chair in some pictures I posted. It's actually the foam bath teddy bear you buy to give your newborns baths in. Well, when you turn it upside down, the head part is perfect for Brady's little butt. That's him, above sitting straight and tall in his chair now. It's teaching me not to slouch too much.
I'm so glad that you did the lapsit - Brady will get lots of stimulation and, more importantly, enjoyment from the program.
Baby yoga was so much fun. Brady didn't take his eyes off you (or himself in the mirror!)
I'm so glad James has the Bradster as a playmate. If only James could win once at Ultimate Baby Fighting!!
I love to be the fly on the wall... been reading your blog, love it, no comments until now though...
I hear you on all counts, Kerry... crazy busy times, I have a love/hate thing going on with September! Kids outta the house, soccer, laundry, lunches to pack, schoolwork, and soon SCOUTS! Argh! And I know exactly what you mean about not wanting to limit your son.. while trying to expose him to everything.. I still try to do that with Cameron... they have these lovely cards available on-line to pass out to loved ones & perfect strangers to explain that this child of mine has a condition that makes him misbehave (autism) which I refuse to purchase.. but I do know how you feel about not wanting to explain constantly and feeling like the one with the special needs child --- as you know, I don't mind being the center of attention on my own terms --- but the last thing I would want for me or Cam is pity... and I hate the stares... I brought Cam to a Cape Cod League baseball game, and he was sitting on my shoulders --- way easier than trying to run after him every two seconds (Cam can be a wanderer, and doesn't always respond when I call... or yell!) --- and some guy just kept staring at him when Cam kept chattering on -- non-verbal, but working on that daily... I won't rest 'til I have him say "I hate you Mom" just like the rest of the kids... FYI: the other two love me... just having issues expressing anger I suppose! I definitely know that guy was staring at Cam, because he was standing right in front of me, just looking straight up over my head at my boy... grrr..... I didn't say anything for lack of wanting to bring yet more attention to us... Maybe he was staring because my son is just that handsome (and he truly is) or maybe it was the homemade tie dye t-shirt, whatever it was made me want to go toe to toe with the guy, but again, I just ignored the dolt...
I had a pretty horrible experience once when I was at a restaurant with the whole fam damily and our waitress forgot to bring us our bill... we had to wait an extra 15 - 20 minutes or longer as the restaurant filled to capacity -- we were the first ones in the place, ordered quickly, got the food asap, wolfed it down, but then just SAT & WAITED for our bill... well, that was too much for Cameron ... long story short, when I went looking for the manager for our bill, I overheard a different waitress saying "there must be something wrong with that boy"... I almost decked her... she had no idea who I was, but it made me think of all the times I was less than patient with folks, too... so, I took away from that dumbass comment a lesson that I need to be patient too... (just don't drive in front of me when I need to be somewhere... my patience wains then...)
Have a lovely day... sorry for the book!
No matter what you do with Brady, he will come away with something from it...and activities that went well before might not go well another time on a bad day, but don't give up. I had a bad day with Erik yesterday around another child (tears and shutdown mode). I keep plugging away.
I love that little Brady Bunch.
Nancy :)
That's why you can't let your PT ready the blog! Ha ha ha... Brady looks very comfy. I always wanted to do yoga with my kids, but it never worked out schedule-wise. It sounds awesome.
That is a great idea for posture... Brady and Tatum share the same foehalk they are so funny. Yoga sounds so cool I wish I could do that.
I think baby yoga could be very interesting, I wish I'd do it with Szabi!!!
I love this pic of Brady, I am crazy for his hair :)))))))
Love, Kati
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