I'm a busy, get-lots-of-things-done, do-a-lot-for-others type of gal. I have a lot on my plate, but I don't crave the sit-down-and-do-nothing type of life. I like to keep busy. However, I have noticed that kind of lifestyle is not a particularly good one for Brady. He needs Time - Time to learn how to do things and Time to appreciate what he has already done. Since I am his primary caregiver, I have realized I need to adjust my timetable to better suit his.
One primary example is eating. Brady has a high-calorie formula and eating the Stage 2 foods, but he definitely eats more when we slow it down at mealtime. He is so funny, he sits and chews that Stage 2 food... and for those who don't know Stage 2 foods, it's the consistency of applesauce. But he's working those little teeth (all almost 10 of them!) and doing a great job for safe swallowing!
Brady is now 11 months and for the past month or so I have noticed a spurt of growth - mostly in his recognition of things and how alert he is. I also think that FINALLY he seems to start to care when I am not around. As some other moms of WS kids can attest to, this has been one annoying and painful part of WS - his lack of "caring" so to speak. But we are noticing around here he quiets down with me quicker and seems to be a lot more fussy when I am not here. I also see that when we are playing or laying around, he will watch for where I am - play play play, then look up and look for me. Once he sees me, he goes back to town. I was sure all these months he thought I was just another Adult Body... but maybe he sees that it is his mother after all (you know, the one that housed you for nine months???)
You'll see Brady in the Bumbo above - we're borrowing it from OT until we get ours next week. See how nice and straight his back is? I can just envision him in a La-Zy Boy chair with a remote and bowl of popcorn. :)
One thing is for sure - time with our little ones is precious. We all need to stop and smell the baby powder!
Brady is making incredible progress, thanks to all the Time well spent. The benefits of that will keep on coming!
He looks so regal in the Bumbo!
He looks cute in the Bumbo I see that look on Tatum too. I am starting to notice that she knows who I am too but I still do not think she cares if I am holding her as long as someone is. I have noticed that Tatum does better on a slower pace and schdudle too. I wish it were easier to stick to one in the evening for her sake but sometimes with traffic it is just to hard.
Kerry, you are right, I am always running everywhere, I don't have enough time, but I had to slow down not because the ws just for Szabi who is only 1,5 yrs old. Every little boy and girl need much more time from their parents.
And don't worry about Brady's care: soon he is going to dote upon you, he is going to be a little monkey (or leech :)))) in your neck, who always wants you to take him on :DDD
Love, Kati
Brady look great in that Bumbo! Daven loved his Bumbo for a while. They he got big enough and strong enough to crawl his way out of it. I know he noticies you as his "mommy" I know Daven notices me as his "mommy" they just haven't exactly shown us yet. And yes, it is heart breaking!
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