Wednesday, October 24, 2007

World Series, Game 1

It's 11:08 p.m., the top of the fifth... 13-1, Red Sox. Can I go to sleep? I'm not sure. Who cares about the West Coast - can't they start the games at a more reasonable hour???? Only half-joking about not caring about the West Coast, LOL....


Laura said...

You made it later than I did, I was out like a light at 9:30. You gotta like the final score...13-1!!!!

Tara said...

I finally went to bed. I thought surely they couldn't catch them with that lead!!

Michelle said...

I was chatting on the computer w/Joe during that game and said, well I think they have this game well enough in hand so I think it's safe for me to go to bed now LOL

That is one thing I surely don't miss about living on the East Coast - watching games so late! I've lived in the mountain time zone for 10 yrs now that I'm so used to watching Sun afternoon football at 11 and 2 and baseball games usually come on around 5-6 :) I don't know how I'll manage if we find ourselves living on the east coast again :)